NOVEMBER 19th, 2010 Two Dog Organic Nursery Newsletter
Greetings Gardening Friends! Fall is really here now, and things are hoppin' at the Nursery! Many of you noticed that our article came out in the L.A. Times newspaper last Saturday. It was a slightly edited version, but between that and the online version, it has generated more than 865 "hits" to our website since it first appeared! Thank you, L.A. Times!!!
CLICK HERE TO READ THE L.A. TIMES ARTICLE _________________________________________________________________________
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PLANTING CLASSES! Our Classes have been filling up and are oh, so much fun...just 3 more before New Years! Last Monday, we had a full house for the Red, White & Blue Potato Class. We'll be selling what we have left of our Certified Organic "Seed" Potatoes (Colorado Red, Yellow Finn and Blue Viking) and "Seed" Garlic (CA Early White & Music) at the Markets this weekend...get there early (yes, rain or shine), as they're selling fast! CLICK HERE TO VIEW PHOTOS FROM THE NOVEMBER 2nd PLANTING CLASS
| _________________________________________________________________________ MEETING ROSALIND CREASY 
Jo Anne got to meet the foremost expert on Edible Landscaping, Rosalind Creasy, at last weekend's Growing Home event at the Huntington Gardens (Two Dog donated a nice herb & edible flower "garden" for their raffle). She graciously signed a copy of her brand new book, Edible Landscaping, just released, which we are selling at the Markets. Two nights before the event, Jo Anne emailed her just to introduce the Nursery and to say what fans we are, and to her astonishment, Rosalind "Ros" wrote back! She opened with "Hooray for what you do!"...needless to say, we were very excited!!

We also just received copies of Rosalind Creasy's fantastic children's gardening book, Purple Potatoes, Orange Tomatoes- a perfect Holiday Gift for the littlest gardeners in your life! And don't forget the other children's classic, Roots, Shoots, Buckets and Boots by Sharon Lovejoy...the illustrations are utterly charming! _________________________________________________________________________ | SPEAKING OF GREAT HOLIDAY GIFT ITEMS... We are offering our Herb & Edible Flower "gardens" (with optional raffia bow & gift card); you can select your plants, or as one La Canada Mom-to-be did, just let us select what works beautifully together. For all the cooks and gardeners on your list, it's a great idea...and Certified Organic as well. Please see us at the Markets or call for more details: 323-422-3835.

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We just received a shipment of 78 completely OMRI-listed! Not even the "big box" stores have them. And as a bonus, they now include a RED mulch cover -along with the customary 2 black ones- which studies conclude increase yields on strawberries and tomatoes by 12-20%. Last year, many of you purchased EarthBoxes as Holiday Gifts, as well as Gift Certificates for EarthBox Classes...what a fantastic idea!
Watch for the Jan-March Planting Schedule on the website coming in December. We're now carrying the Smart Pots in 2 sizes: 10-gallon and 20-gallon...they are selling like hotcakes! Our first round of beets (which we've been bringing to the Market to show off) is about ready to harvest in the 10-gallon, and our potatoes and garlic are growing happily in the 20's. If you need to ship a gift, these are perfect! They fold down and don't weigh much. And they're reusable for years to come! 
Black Gold just came out with a new product which we nearly sold out of in the first week: 1 cubic foot bags of OMRI-listed Garden Compost. It has been flying out! So rich, yummy - and convenient! We'll have it at the Markets this weekend, and we've just ordered a full pallet as back up!
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 This is a photo of the first Chioggia Beet and Ya Ya Carrot we harvested the other day!! The carrots were a little "baby" still, but so good! Here's a favorite Recipe of ours for "Roasted Fall Vegetables"'s very exciting that this year, nearly everything called for here will come from our own garden! Yay!! Try this soon; it's scrumptious and makes a gorgeous presentation!
BHHS CULINARY ARTS RECEPTION We attended the Annual Culinary Arts Reception at Beverly Hills High School earlier this week and had a chance to see "our babies" growing beautifully in their new raised bed gardens! We were proud! And the students in Chef Darrell "DAS" Smith's class put on a gastronomic extravaganza which could rival any great restaurant in L.A. Fantastic job, guys! Here's the High School Librarian's assessment of the food and the garden:
"The food was simply fantastic. I'm a picky eater, and I loved everything. The students were professional, hard-working, proud, and a pleasure to dine with!...Julie, it was wonderful meeting your planting contractor! I'm amazed how fast the plants have grown - signs that they were planted with love and care." -Karen B. _________________________________________________________________________ |
Thanksgiving is nearly upon us. Even though these are very difficult times for many, there are always things to be so grateful for... for us, one of them, of course, is your patronage! Here are some lovely thoughts on the subject, courtesy of Roots of Change, a great organization dedicated to food security and justice:
CLICK HERE TO READ THE ROOTS OF CHANGE ARTICLE ON THANKSGIVING _________________________________________________________________________
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO "HORTICULTURIST OF THE YEAR", YVONNE SAVIO! And last but certainly not least, Happy Birthday to Yvonne Savio, fearless leader of the U.C. Master Gardeners Program, "Horticulturist of the Year", and the woman whom we call the "Center of the Gardening Universe in Southern California"! She has been a great source of information and support, and we could never say enough kind things about her and her work.
Here's a nice story about Yvonne in a recent issue of the Pasadena Star:
CLICK HERE TO READ THE PASADENA STAR ARTICLE ON YVONNE _________________________________________________________________________ |
Gotta get outside and load the truck now...see you at the Markets, Happy Thanksgiving, and thank you for supporting Two Dog!!
Jo Anne & Alex |