Dear Gardening Friends,

We will be at our Farmers Markets both Saturday and Sunday this Memorial Day weekend, so we hope you include a trip to the Market in your long-weekend plans!
 And speaking of Holidays... SAVE THE DATE:
Wednesday, June 20th
To celebrate the upcoming Summer Solstice, we're planning a Home Nursery Open House & Sale on Wednesday, June 20th from 10am until 6pm. No Food Drive this time, just a Sale with everything 10% off.
What better way to spend some time on the longest day of the year?
We'll have lots of new baby tomatoes, peppers, lettuces, corn, okra, pumpkins, winter & summer squash, green beans galore, melons, berries, and by then our Sweet Potato Plants
will be ready to go!! It's the perfect time to get out your "second
round" of the Summer wonders! And don't forget, if you want Pumpkins for Halloween, late-June is pretty much the deadline for planting out seedlings!
Of course, all the great products we sell will be 10% off , also: EarthBoxes, Smart Pots, Soil, Worm Castings, Fertilizers, Composts,Books, etc. So, take a long lunch, come with a friend, call in "happy", and join us for a fun day!
Street parking available until 6pm; please bring a flat or box for your goodies.

Our location:
914 S. Cloverdale Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90036
Questions? Call Jo Anne at 323-422-3835
It makes me wistful to make this announcement, (but I must as the business is just growing so fast)...we've decided to discontinue the EarthBox Planting Classes,
with the final Class to be held on:
Monday, June 11th at Noon
So if you have a Dad, a Grad, or a Wedding Party you'd like to bring, let us know ASAP as our space is limited. However, we will be happy to schedule Special Private Classes for parties of 4 or more, so call us with your ideas.
for now, the regularly scheduled Classes come to a close after 2½
years. We're grateful to all of you who have participated (beginning
with our Big Bang friends at our first Class given in January 2010!)
We've enjoyed each and every one, and we thank you for your sweet notes
and comments, too!
Fruit Trees have been selling like crazy lately...Fuji Apples, Santa
Rosa Plums, Gold Kist Apricots, Snow Queen Nectarines, Figs, Little
Cados, Meyer Lemons... one of our new Westlake Village customers sent
this photo of his lovely daughters having fun planting a Santa Rosa
Plum...their faces say it all!! Good on 'ya, Dad & Mom, for bringing
this experience into your children's lives!
We've finally received our Certified Organic Sweet Potato Slips!!
I placed the original order back in December, and it was dropped from
their system, then revived, added to, and then shipped when I still
wasn't expecting it until a few weeks from now! Whew!! Well, anyway,
they're here now, and Joaquin is potting them up into 4" pots so they
can root a while...we'll have them ready for the Summer Solstice Sale,
and also at our Markets a week or two before that.
now have 2 varieties: Heirloom Bradshaw (120 days to harvest) and
Beauregard (100 days to harvest). The price is $6.00 per plant; each
plant should yield one pound of sweet potatoes. I'd suggest getting some
of both!! I'll be writing a "Helpful Guide" to growing Sweet Potatoes soon, and it will be on the website by the time they're ready to sell.
As you know...
...we're big fans of Green Beans around here! Our Spanish Musica and Royal Burgundy
are producing really nicely right now, and I'm about to cook up the
first "mess of beans" of the season!! We often hear, "I don't know how
to prepare them...", so here is the way we love 'em:
Harvest your beans daily & store in the crisper drawer of the fridge until you've got at least ¾ lb. of beans.
Wash, remove the ends, and snap into pieces.
Saute some Garlic (preferably home-grown!) in Olive Oil.
Add in the Beans and cover with water. Add Salt & Pepper to taste.
very low for about 2 hours, checking the water level (yes, 2
hours...this is how they do it in the South, except there they'd use
bacon grease.)
the first hour & a half, add in a handful of Organic Slivered
Almonds and a good dose of White Wine Vinegar and cook the last half
They will be fork-tender, meaty, earthy, and fabulous!! Honestly, I could eat these every day! We grow 5-6 EarthBoxes of Green Beans
(different varieties) throughout Spring and Summer, planting the final
one in August; this insures we'll have a nice big pot of beans every
as a reminder, we do love receiving your handled paper grocery
bags...they are the perfect way to transport seedlings with their tall
sides and flat bottoms! Thank you very much!!
That's it for now; we do hope you'll plan to come to our First Annual Summer Solstice Sale, and we'll see you at the Markets!
Many thanks, as always, and HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY!!
Jo Anne, Alex, Joaquin, Jake & Lalo