Happy New Year!!!
December 28th, 2012
Dear Two Dog Gardening Friends,
trust you are enjoying your Holidays and want to wish you a most
wonderful New Year from all of us at Two Dog Nursery!! This has been a
very gratifying year for us; sales were up over last year, and we met so
many new customers. Thanks to you all for supporting us and telling
your friends!
Fall/Winter garden is doing great (Above), the Roof Top Garden cover
crop is sprouting nicely (Left), and thoughts turn to Spring as the days
gradually get longer. There are at least 3 more chilly months ahead,
though, so don't miss the opportunity to grow the fabulous greens, roots
and brassicas that make up our local cool-season harvest.
got Carrots, Beets, Rutabagas, Parsnips, Garlic, and Leeks growing like
mad in Smart Pots, and we've planted second rounds of Cauliflower,
Broccoli and Cabbages in EarthBoxes. Our other 20 or so Earth Boxes are
filled with 3 types of Peas, Lettuces, Spinach, Kale, Chard, Collards,
and Strawberries (they go on for years!)
be planting more Yukon Gold and Colorado Rose Potatoes next week, too.
We've also got Borage, Chamomile, Johnny Jump-Ups and Nasturtiums
growing here and there to encourage the pollenizers to visit!
NEW at the Markets!
weekend we'll have ALL our Potato varieties with us, including Yukon
Gold, Colorado Rose, Banana Fingerlings, All Blue and Burbank Russet. They're so fun and easy to grow in the 20-gallon Smart Pots. We'll also have all the edible/beneficial flowers with us, too.
in the fun-new-citrus department: we'll have Kaffir Lime, Calamondin
(Philippine Lime), Australian Finger Lime and Algerian Tangerine
Who Wants Asparagus?!
Like last year, we're
taking pre-orders on "Farmers Friend" Asparagus Crowns. If you've got a
dedicated space to plant these in, you'll be rewarded for up to 20 years
with an annual Spring harvest! Please note: these cannot be grown in
either EarthBoxes or Smart Pots...they need their own bed. Please refer
to our Growing Guide on the subject,
and contact us with your order. We sell them in bundles of 6 crowns
for $12 and bundles of 12 crowns for $20. ALL orders must be pre-paid.
We expect shipment sometime in the first week or two of January, and
you must be able to pick them up and plant them right away - we bring
them to the Markets in a cooler. Asparagus Crowns are only available
this one time per year, so don't miss out!!
We need your order & payment by Monday, January 7th!
Annual Charitable Giving Wrap-Up
year, Two Dog was happy to donate more than $4,000 worth of Organic
Seedlings to the California Master Gardeners, the Frances Blend Academy
for visually impaired children, the Pommelo School Garden Program,
Community's Child and various other great operations. We also collected
several hundred pounds of food donations at our Spring and Holiday Food
Drive events benefiting the L.A. Food Bank, along with more than $600 in
cash donations. From the Annual Garden Party put on by the Windsor
Square Hancock Park Historical Society, we donated 20% of our sales
which equaled $375. Two Dog also made a $150 donation to the Red Cross
for their efforts after Super-Storm Sandy.
Save the Dates!!!
2013 line-up of 52 varieties of Heirloom Tomatoes is now complete!
We'll be bringing in at least 21 NEW varieties, including some Big New
Reds, more Cherries, a new and very RARE Paste, and a BLUE variety!!
Yes, blue... these new beauties are all the rage and contain large
quantities of Anthocyanin (the same thing that makes blueberries blue!)
this date, we'll announce the full line up in our February Newsletter,
and for the first time, we'll begin taking Pre-Orders on the Website
using Pay Pal. Tomatoes ordered in this way will be ready for pick up at
our Annual Spring Kick-Off Sale.
MARCH 16th and 17th:
Our Annual Spring Kick-Off Sale & Food Drive at the Home Nursery!!
10am until 3pm, both days! Get your Shopping List ready! Everything
10% Off (with your mandatory donation to the Food Bank), and at the end
of the event, Two Dog will donate an additional 5% of the total sales to
the Food Bank. THIS IS THE BIG ONE!! Mark your calendars now!!!
Well that's about it for now. Do let us know if you'd like to purchase Asparagus Crowns...
We must have our Order COMPLETE BY JANUARY 7th.
Thank you again for a wonderful year; we look forward to gardening with you all in 2013!
Jo Anne, Alex, Jake & Lalo
