In the spirit of the awesome EarthBox, of which, Alex and I now garden in 40+, I’d like to share this photo of one of our newest customers, Nate, and his first EarthBox. Actually, he and his Mom bought two, and he planted them up (and also built an amazing compost tumbler!) I’m not sure that he wanted us to use the photo of him rockin’ his headgear, but I couldn’t resist! Just look at the satisfaction in his eyes!!
Congrats, Nate, you did a great job, man!!

Just a Side Note about Kids & Gardening...
Parents, please, please let your kids garden when they ask. Alex and I see it nearly every weekend at the Farmers Markets: a child (of any age) comes in all wide-eyed, checking out the different varieties, and begs the parent to buy him/her some plants, any plants, “just one plant, Mom/Dad”…and that parent says, “Not right now...” “ We’ve got to figure out the yard first”, “Maybe next weekend”…blah, blah, blah, and that moment vanishes. It absolutely kills us. Just last Sunday, a boy came in and, I swear this is true, began exclaiming, “Mom, look, broccoli, Mom look, BROCCOLI!!, and it fell on deaf ears, and the ship sailed. And our hearts sank.
Helping your kids learn where food comes from, how it looks when it’s growing, what time of the year it grows in, and how much better food tastes when you grow it yourself, is the greatest gift. Please don’t miss the opportunity; they may not always be wide-eyed about it. It’s really not that hard (we’re here to help!), and the reward is very great.