Dear Gardening Friends,
Quick come the TOMATOES!
Our Annual
Spring Sale & Food Drive
is THIS weekend!

This Saturday & Sunday
at the
Two Dog Home Nursery
914 S. Cloverdale Ave.
Los Angeles 90036
March 12th & 13th
10am - 4pm
EVERYTHING - all Certified Organic Tomato, Veggie & Herb Seedlings, Organic Soils, Composts, Fertilizers, Fruit Trees, Berry Bushes, EarthBoxes & Smart Pots -
will be 10% OFF!
"Admission" is your DONATION to our Food Drive benefiting the L.A. Regional Food Bank. Please think "Protein" and "weighty" things...if we gather 400 lbs worth, they will pick up from us;
our GOAL this year is 550 lbs!
**Street parking is available; bring your Gardening Friends, but please, not your pets!
(We always say this, and inevitably, someone brings their dog,
and all Hell breaks loose!)
Please leave your pups at home; our boys are very territorial. Thanks!!**
Click HERE for the 2016 Heirloom Tomato List
HERE for the 2016 Veggie Line-Up!
PLEASE NOTE: This means we won't be back in the Farmers Markets until Saturday, March 19th.