By Request... here's my Green Bean Recipe again...
Usually with 2 EarthBoxes planted, I'll get upwards of 2 lbs of beans per week. I harvest every day (which encourages production), store them in the fridge, and on Fridays I'm ready to cook a nice "mess" of beans, which will last us most of the week.
*First, using a 2-qt saucepan, I saute some of our own homegrown Garlic (maybe 4 nice cloves) in a liberal amount of Olive Oil, and add Salt & Pepper. When lightly browned, I turn off the heat, and let the pan cool.
*Then I hand-snap the beans (cutting with a knife doesn't let you see if there are "strings") and rinse them well in a colander.
*Put the beans in the saucepan and just cover with water. I put the heat on Medium, gently bringing it to an easy boil; then I turn it down as low as I can and let the beans simmer for 2 hours...(yes, hours).
*Then I add in about 1/4 cup of Organic White Wine Vinegar and a big handful of Slivered Almonds and simmer another hour or so. At this slow simmer, the beans honestly don't get mushy or fall all apart but instead are tender and rich with flavor.
My parents used to cook them this way; I don't know if the original recipe came from Tennessee or Indiana, but I've tweaked it for us (no ham hocks, for example!)
Please let me know if you try it!!

P.S. I love to grow all the colors & sizes of Beans, and I'm always excited to see the purple turn to green as the water heats up...if you've got little ones in the house, invite them to watch the magic!