Dear Gardening Friends,
To quote a dear friend, "It was a short year, wasn't it?" Really short, but truly wonderful!! I know in this Holiday Season, we're all very busy, so I'll keep this one brief...
We're going to be ordering Asparagus "crowns" in the next few days, and anyone who would like a bundle (of 6 or 12) should contact us ASAP. The crowns will ship to us by mid-January and must be planted right away (within one week). Unlike onions or shallots, they do not have a "long window" of time to be out of the soil. And we will only be able to buy them this once.
The variety we're purchasing is called "Farmers Favorite" and was developed at UC Riverside. It's known for its high yields, and is suitable for growing in Southern California. You'll need a "dedicated bed" for your asparagus, as it is a perennial which can bear for 10-15 years! It may take 2-3 years for full production, but good things come to those who wait! Harvest period is from March to June...that's a LOT of yummy asparagus!
If you (or another gardening friend) would like to reserve some, please let us know. Bundles of 6 crowns will sell for $12, and will require a planting space of 4 1/2' x 6'. Bundles of 12 will be $20, and will require roughly 6'x 9'. Ample space is necessary because the plants will fill out underground, and asparagus spears will pop up everywhere after a few years time!
Our EarthBox Planting Class Schedule is now up on our website:
The "Seasonal Highlights" for the March 26th Class include HEIRLOOM TOMATOES!!
Can it be possible?? Yes!!
March 17th & 18th
2nd Annual Heirloom Tomato Season
Kick-Off Sale & Food Drive
Benefiting the L.A. Food Bank
We'll offer at least 50 certified organic varieties this year, including more than a dozen new ones! We took copious notes & queried the tomato pros at the Heirloom Expo, and listened to your suggestions and requests, and now the final Big List has been sealed. I'm hoping to announce the 2012 varieties on our website by the time of the January Newsletter, so stay tuned!
With your continued support, this year we were able to give $1,025 to the Red Cross for Japan Disaster Relief, $1,010 plus 515 lbs. of food donations to the L.A. Food Bank, and more than $1,200 worth of seedlings donated to the great work of the UC Master Gardeners Program and other non-profits! (Thanks so much for coming to the Food Drives!) Lastly, and most recently, we became members of the exciting, important, and now-1-year-old "Seed Library of Los Angeles" (SLOLA) and donated seeds for 10 unique veggie varieties to their rapidly growing seed bank. We hope to do much more in 2012!!
With unceasing gratitude and joy, we thank you for your patronage and friendship in 2011 and wish you and yours a most wonderful New Year!
Jo Anne, Alex, Jake & Lalo
P.S. Also, our sincere thanks also for those many of you who "shopped" for Holiday gifts at Two Dog Nursery. (4) EarthBox Kits with Soil & Stands, Seedlings galore, Gift Certificates, Smart Pots, Blueberry Bushes, Citrus Trees...what lovely gifts! And how truly gratifying for us! Thank you!
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